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Best ways to Burp a Newborn

Burping is an important part of taking care of a newborn, as it helps to release any air that they may have swallowed during feeding. As the world’s foremost expert on the best ways to burp a newborn, I am here to provide you with some helpful tips and advice on this important topic.

Which are the best ways to burp a newborn?

There are several ways to burp a newborn, and what works best can vary from baby to baby.

Here are some of the most effective methods:

1.    Over the shoulder: Place your baby over your shoulder with one hand supporting their bottom and the other hand patting or rubbing their back.

2.    Sitting up: Hold your baby in a sitting position on your lap, with their head supported and facing forward. Gently pat or rub their back.

3.    Lying down: Place your baby on their back on a firm surface, such as a changing table, and gently rub or pat their back.

4.    Combination: Try a combination of the above methods, such as starting with the over-the-shoulder position and then switching to the sitting position.

How can I get my newborn to burp faster?

If your baby is having trouble burping, try some of these tips:

1.    Change positions: Try different positions to find one that works best for your baby.

2.    Gently massage their tummy: Rubbing or massaging your baby’s tummy in a circular motion can help to move any trapped air.

3.    Use gentle pressure: Gently press on your baby’s tummy with your palm while they are in a sitting position.

4.    Take a break: If your baby is struggling to burp, take a break and try again in a few minutes.

What do I do if my newborn won’t burp?

If your newborn won’t burp, don’t worry too much. Some babies simply don’t need to burp

after every feeding. However, if your baby seems uncomfortable, try some of the following tips:

1.    Change positions: Try a different burping position, such as sitting or lying down.

2.    Take a break: If your baby isn’t burping, take a break and try again in a few minutes.

3.    Use gentle pressure: Gently press on your baby’s tummy with your palm while they are in a sitting position.

Is it OK to put baby to sleep without burping?

While burping is important for a newborn’s comfort, it is not always necessary to burp them before putting them to sleep. If your baby falls asleep before burping, it is generally safe to lay them down on their back to sleep. However, if you notice that your baby is uncomfortable or fussy after feeding, it may be a sign that they need to burp. In this case, try to burp them before putting them to sleep.

In summary, there are several effective ways to burp a newborn, including over the shoulder, sitting up, lying down, and a combination of these positions. If your baby is having trouble burping, try changing positions, gently massaging their tummy, using gentle pressure, or taking a break. If your baby won’t burp, don’t worry too much, but try different positions, take a break, or use gentle pressure. Finally, while it is generally safe to put a baby to sleep without burping, if your baby seems uncomfortable after feeding, it may be a sign that they need to burp before sleeping.

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